Blocked Drainage in Preston

Blocked Drainage Preston


Blocked Drainage in Preston




Preston, Lancashire


April, 2021

Brief Description of the job:

Blocked drainage can be a nightmare as we all know with so many chemicals on the market which do we choose?

The answer is none! While a chemical may clear a blockage by burning through the debris imagine the damage it is causing to the internal pipework in your homes, thus causing leaks floods a major work costing hundreds of pounds.

Blocked drains?

Blocked basins?

Blocked showers?

Flooding garden?

New drainage?


We do it all. Our latest blockage was a blocked shower cleared using a oxygen shot, very clean method of clearing a blocked shower or basin and the results are in the pictures. Whilst it costs a few pounds more to clear the blockage using a company it will definitely save our customers money long term on costly repairs. Blocked drains? Inside or out! It’s in our name!

Check out more work on our Facebook or view more Blocked Drainage in Preston projects

Contact us today for a free quotation

Tel: 0759 158 2097


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